
About Us

Our Wish is 4 a fairer world, a Fairtrade world, where the poorest communities have the chance to trade fairly with the rest of the world....you and me.

Fairtrade was first mentioned when we started selling chocolate online and giving part of the price to a hunger relief project. 'Why not use Fairtrade chocolate?' they said. So we did.

At Wish4, we bring you the best quality, tastiest, food & drink, from Fairtrade certified grower co-ops around the world. And we only sell Fairtrade certified products nothing else. A load of (mint) balls you say? Try some!

Getting products widely distributed into stores was (and is) a challenge. And there are so many excellent Fairtrade products not available here, so we began importing the best, and selling them. Over 3 years we proved demand is still much greater than supply, so we decided to go it alone once more, create our own 100% Fairtrade brand, and go for world domination it ! 

We all Wish4 a fair deal in life, and the opportunity to do a fair day's work for a fair day's pay. So we're making it our business to make entrepreneurs in great communities get that chance. And it's an inspiring process. Yes, it's a bit of a cliché 'working for world peace and helping old ladies across the road', but that's what we do. 

We are working in the UK and Ireland to bring you what we believe is a Taste of the World to Come. Visiting Fairtrade producers in Malawi, as reward for being voted Best Fairtrade Town in Ireland, served only to confirm how easy it is to make a sustainable difference. 

We try our very best to ensure our product range is accessible to many consumer groups and that as much of the shop price they pay stays in the country from which the raw material originates. Cadburys may be buying Fairtrade cocoa for their Dairy Milk chocolate these days, but most of the retail price still goes to the Cadbury Company in which the cocoa growers have no influence at all. 

We have created a range of Fairtrade treats that taste good, and are suited to today's lifestyles whether you need to eat on the go, or buy for home. 

We are much more than a shop, but if that's all you want to do....feel free. Trade is what we are about, we just want it to be fair.